Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Pines - January 2014



(Click the above link to access the newsletter)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Advent Cross+Generational Opportunities

Cross+Generational Activities
This Advent season we will be offering some wonderful opportunities for cross+generational (inter-generational) interactions during our normal Adventures in Faith time slot on Sunday evenings beginning at 6pm. These times are going to be designed for different generations to interact with each other through the 4 Keys of Faith Formation; Caring Conversations, Devotions, Service, and Rituals & Traditions.  The entire evening will be planned and led, so all you need to do is show up with an open heart and mind to participate! 

On December 8th we were blessed to have Cathy & Jerry Constantino, along with their HOPE Dog Tess with us.  We had a great evening full of fun conversations and stories about pets and how they can bring us comfort and joy.  Below is a picture of Tess getting some attention during the evening! 

On December 15th our faith community will take part in a significant milestone that we are calling the "Book of Faith Milestone."  For this evening we will be placing the scriptures in the hands of many of our youth - with a fun cross+generational twist!

Book of Faith Milestone - Don't Miss it! 
The Book of Faith Milestone celebration is an excellent opportunity for all of God's children, regardless of age, to share how and why God's Word means so much to them! 

When you come, make sure to bring your own personal Bible (if you aren't receiving one) and also come ready to share your favorite verse or story in the Bible to share with others. 

During the evening we will be placing age appropriate Bibles in the hands of many of our youth.  Since we haven't gifted Bibles to all of our 3 yr. olds, 3rd graders, and 6th graders over the last few years, we will be playing a little "catch up" on the 15th. :) 

After all of our Bibles are gifted, each of the youth & any adults who came who would like to make the rounds, will have the opportunity to work their way around the room with their Bibles and everyone else is going to share their favorite Bible verse or story and why that verse or story means so much them in a 3 minute time period! After 3 minutes you switch! Kind of like Bible "Speed Dating." 

It'll be great, a lot of fun, and you won't want to miss it! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Pines - December 2013

THE PINES - December


(Click the above link to access the newsletter)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

LYO Eastern Cluster Rally/Hike-a-thon 2013

Recently,the middle and high school youth of Our Saviour had an exciting opportunity to take part in an annual youth rally which took place in Raleigh.  The Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) is an organization that can be found nationwide which is youth led.  Here in North Carolina we have the statewide expression of LYO and then we also have a more broken down expression of LYO called clusters.  Our Saviour Lutheran Church happens to fall into the LYO of North Carolina's Eastern Cluster.  With multiple other congregations from the Eastern side of North Carolina our youth had the opportunity to experience Christ in a hands on way through a youth led lock-in.  Friday night we traveled to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Raleigh for a fun and faith filled evening.  Saturday morning everyone was up early and on their way to Camp Agape' for their annual Hike-a-thon which was a fundraiser for their Environmental Education program. Here are some of the pictures from our time together! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2013 Annual Congregational Meeting

This Sunday members of Our Saviour Lutheran Church will meet in the Sanctuary to take part in the 2013 Annual Meeting. A dinner will follow at 5:30pm.  We hope everyone can make it!

Annual Meeting Agenda

Caring Conversations
Name the top three ways you've seen God working at Our Saviour in the past year.

Psalm 121

- Approval of Minutes
- Election of Council Persons
- Pastor's Report
- Approval of 2014 Spending Plan
- Approval of Constitution Changes
- Other New Business

Rituals & Traditions
May God guide you to help Our Saviour stay focused on faith formation and outreach this year.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Corn Maze Trip

Corn Maze Trip

Sunday Oct. 20th the Junior & Senior Youth (6-12th grades) will be taking a trip to a local corn maze at Kalawi Farms.

2011 Corn Maze Trip

2012 Corn Maze Trip

We will be leaving from the church at 2:30pm and returning to the church for dinner at 5:30pm

Cost: $8/person 
And if you want to try out some of Kalawi Farms homemade peach ice-cream while we're there make sure to bring some extra cash for that as well!

(The ice-cream is delicious!)

Jr. & Sr. Youth Upcoming Lock-In

Join us Nov. 8-9 for Faith, Fun, and Fellowship at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Raleigh for our LYO's NC Eastern Cluster Rally!

In about one month the churches that form the Eastern Cluster Lutheran Youth Organization will be hosting the LYO Rally in coordination with Camp Agape’s Hike-a-thon & Basket Raffle.  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Raleigh, NC is hosting the rally November 8th to 9th, and is preparing for our arrival.  Games, activities and discussion will all be focused around our theme "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step".
Costs / Payments:
Costs for the Rally and Hike-a-thon & Basket Raffle will be $20 per person.  This will cover any supplies and food purchases that are made for the event, as well as a donation to the environmental education programs (ACE Ed) at AgapĂ©, which serves many school groups from across NC. Camp will be providing us with free t-shirts in thanks for our donations! We’re excited to see our community all decked out in what we’ve been told is a pretty cool new t-shirt!  Participants can also purchase raffle tickets for any of the amazing basket raffles.

Don't miss out on the fun! 

Questions? Contact Kai Thurow (OR) 910-692-2662 ext. 704