OSYM (Our Saviour Youth Ministries). Pronounced "awesome", this acronym can be a little misleading. While we do have a focus here on Youth Ministries we are aware that families of all makes and models are an important part of the entire community's faith formation. We strive to equip and meet the needs of all of those that we come into contact with.
We want everyone that passes through our doors to know they are greatly loved.
We do not think that youth are the future of the church. Youth and families ARE the church... HERE AND NOW.
We believe that faith is a lifelong journey. Every step of that journey is shaped by the relationships that we have - from family members to perfect strangers. The body of Christ is not about the building. It's about community. Our church is out in the park or mall just as much as it is in the sanctuary.
This blog is where you can find updates and memories for what's going on at OSLC for Youth and Families. If you're just stopping by, we're glad you did! Come visit us sometime soon or give us a call!
If you're already part of our church family, thanks for staying informed and involved!