Thursday, May 24, 2012

OSYM Update


Want to stay in the loop to know what is going on? Then check out all of the information below! We have an eventful summer coming up! Make sure you are part of the fun!

Agape’ Day Camp! 

Agape Kure Beach Logo                       summer camp registration

Sign up for a week of fun for all rising 1st-8th graders! July 9-13 (9:00am-3:00pm) Information outside of Kai’s office! Day Camp is Filling Up! Space is limited so make sure to turn your registration in ASAP!



Sign Up Today! June 25-29 (5:15-5:45pm Dinner, 6:00-8:00pm VBS & Adult Classes)

Vibrant Faith Ministries

Vibrant Faith Ministries

Sept. 15th
Vibrant Faith Ministries is coming to Our Saviour Lutheran Church for our Rally Weekend.  Please do everything you can to be here this weekend! It truly will be the most important thing that you can participate in for Faith Formation here at OSLC this year and for the future!!! Keep an eye out for more information about this exciting opportunity!

Movie Night

Aug. 3rd
We have the movie! We have the popcorn! We have the Pizza! We need YOU! Come in your pj's, bring a sleeping bag, pillows, blankets, etc. See you there!

OSYM Calendar

You can find a calendar with all youth events for the month on it on the bulletin board outside of Kai’s office! Color coded too! So look for the “key”

Summer Worship Schedule

Starting June 3rd we will be moving to our 10:00am worship service every Sunday through September 16th.


Summer Youth Group Schedules

Junior & Senior Youth Summer Hangouts

June 10, June 24, July 1, July 8, July 15

Senior Youth Lock-In

June 15 (6:00pm) - June 16 (9:00am)


Important Dates

Mark these dates on your calendar, more info. coming soon!

June 15 - Senior Youth Lock-in (9th-12th graders)

June 17-22 – Confirmation Camp (for current 7th & 8th graders)
June 25-29 – Sky VBS (Vacation Bible School) Registration Info. Outside of Kai’s door! Check out the display across the hall too! When you sign up, your name will be added!
July 8-13 – Agape’ Day Camp (Registration Info. Outside of Kai’s door! Check out the display across the hall too! When you sign up, your name will be added! 
July 17-23 – 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans
August 3 - Movie Night @ OSLC. We'll have the popcorn, pizza, and movie. You come in your pajamas and with a sleeping bag, pillows, blankets, etc! (5-8pm)
September 15 –  IMPORTANT DAY FOR THE FUTURE OF FAITH FORMATION AT OSLC!!!  Vibrant Faith Ministries!


Upcoming Needs

Will you be Christ’s hands and feet today?

Agape’ Day Camp Needs

· A person/family that would be willing to house up to 5 Agape’ Staff Counselors in their home for a week.
            - Sunday night (7/8) - Thursday night (7/13)
· A person/family to provide a dinner for the Agape’ Staff.  Dinner can be a relaxing evening hosted in your home, a dinner at a restaurant, or a gift card for them to use for dinner on their own.
Sunday Evening Dinner (7/8/2012)
            - Monday Evening Dinner (7/9/2012)
            - Tuesday Evening Dinner (7/10/2012)
            - Wednesday Evening Dinner (7/11/2012)
            - Thursday Evening Dinner (7/12/2012)
· A person/family to help provide any amount of grocery money for the counselors to buy their own groceries for breakfast and lunches for the week.       
            - Estimated $200 should be more than enough for a group of 5 counselors for a week.
· A person/family to help provide snacks for each day. A snack includes a healthy item to eat (not a lot of sugar) and a simple beverage that is NOT soda.
            - Snacks for 
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri.
· Anyone to help collect household supplies that will be used for crafts.
            - Newspapers (lots and lots of newspaper)
            - Metal Coat Hangers
            - Glass Jars (no really big ones)
            - Extra Fabric Scraps (6in X 6in squares)
            - Old Magazines, Maps, Atlas’ (for making a collage of the world)
· Please contact Kai if you can help in any of these capacities or have any questions.               Stop by the office         (910)-692-2662, ext. 112

VBS Volunteers
This summer for SKY VBS (June 25-29, 6:00-8:00pm) we have a lot of fun things planned for all of our “OSYM” kids who will be there! But in order for it to be a completely “OSYM” event, we need some “OSYM” volunteers! It’s gonna be totally AWESOME! Let Kai know if you are interested in helping out or have questions about how you can help out!
(For those of you adults who would prefer to have an Adult Gathering during VBS, we will have an adult class led by both Pastors at the same time)

Please contact Kai if you have any questions at all.

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