Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We Need Your Help

We Need Your Help!

This summer we are very excited to have Agape' Day Camp coming to Our Saviour Lutheran Church July 7-12!  Each year they do a lot of fun crafts with the kids and many times they are crafts that involve a lot of "around the house supplies".  This year is no different and we need your help to start collecting enough supplies for all of our youth who participate in Agape' Day Camp this summer!  Below are the supplies that we will need your help collecting between now and July 7th!

4"-6" Balloons

We need around 100 balloons (99 Red Balloons would be just fine!) for one of the crafts this year! Please make sure they are 4-6 inch balloons.

Old Newspapers
We need A LOT of old newspapers to help cover the craft tables that will be used! This way we can keep the tables nice as the glue, markers, crayons, etc. all end up on the newspaper each day instead of on the tables that are used!

2 Bed Sheets
We are going to need 2 clean/gently used bed sheets.  These sheets are going to be used for the group to make one or 2 large banners for one of their crafts!

We are going to need around 35-40 old incandescent light bulbs.  If you change out any lightbulbs at home or at work that happen to be incandescent PLEASE SAVE THEM and bring them to OSLC! 

We need some crayons!

Cupcake Liners
We are in need of around 40 or so sturdy cupcake liners.  It does not matter what color or design they have on them!

If you can donate any of these items to OSLC between now and July 7th that would be wonderful! We are starting to collect these items right now!

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