Monday, August 26, 2013

Time to Play Catch-up! 

OOPS!Now that the many summer things that have been keeping me incredibly busy have wrapped up for the most part I am finally going to be able to update the Blog.  I apologize for not doing a better job keeping you all informed of what has been going on here at Our Saviour Lutheran Church! Expect quite a few posts in the coming day(s)! The evidence of the Holy Spirit this summer has been incredible and I look forward to sharing snippets of some of those experiences with you here.In Christ,Kai Thurow

1 comment:

  1. welcome back! i apologize for not being able to stay and read/enjoy all this nice info! but i will be back! i look forward to much news of events... past, present, and future :)thanks, Spirit! and thanks to Kai, also <3

    ps: i'm Pat! but i don't know how to use this program either :( so i must remain Anonymous ;)
